
Christianity as Training Wheels


Is Christianity not a pair of training wheels? As a child, they're attached to your bicycle to keep you from falling over and hurting yourself, or hurting someone else. Christianity teaches you to not kill yourself or others, to do good deeds. In other words, don't fall over and hurt yourself or another person.

But you shouldn't use training wheels forever. Soon, you'll see that they hinder you; they keep you from a full-speed bicycling experience. What of Christianity when your study continues, when you encounter the wrathful God of the Old Testament? An eye for an eye? How is that good for you or those around you?

Just like training wheels, Christianity improves your life in the beginning. You can ride your bike by yourself, a great feat. With this religion, you learn to love others as you would want them to love you. But it's no good to see training wheels as forever mandatory, trying shape the world to fit into your slow-biking vision. When Christianity encourages you to alienate and hurt others, cast it off as you would those small wheels.
