Sitting on the Ground
Why is it that no one sits on the ground? Or should I say no one sits on the ground anymore.
There was once a time (I'm almost sure of it) when there weren't chairs to be perched upon. Humans actually sat on the ground. There were no la-z-boys to settle your rump in, no gliding rockers to slide into for passing the time and passing out. We really sat on the ground, or perhaps on a rock if it was drier.
But now we humans are so refined that our tail ends can't become so lowly as to settle on the earth below us. We must have our chairs. Or do we? Why not try sitting on the ground? Go ahead, sit on it. It's there and it's sturdy. There is very little cost associated with sitting there on the ground. So try it out. Not bad, right? A little firm compared to your sofa, but you could get used to it.
What if we all sat on the ground? Or at least all of us that physically can. I bet it's an amazing amount of resources that go into building that furniture to baby our bumps. If those resources went towards something else -- something more beneficial to the people of our planet... now that would be interesting.